WhatsApp will allow users to edit messages, similar to other messaging apps such as Telegram and Signal. The Meta-owned app announced an update on Monday that allowed messages to be edited for up to 15 minutes after they were sent. Technology News UK reports that the new feature is expected to be available to WhatsApp’s 2 billion users in the coming weeks.
“From correcting a simple misspelling to providing additional context to a message, we can help,” the company wrote in a blog post on Monday. “All you have to do is long-press on a sent message and select ‘Edit’ from the menu for up to fifteen minutes after,” the company explained. Changed messages will be marked as “edited,” informing recipients of a change. They will not, however, be shown how the message has been modified.
Message editing features are already available in several competing messaging apps, including Signal and Telegram. In the meantime, Twitter Blue subscribers have access to a 30-minute message editing window. Meta, which also owns Facebook and Instagram, has made a name for itself in recent years by attempting to replicate competitor apps — some more successfully than others.