Zoom has temporarily disabled the integration of Giphy as a GIF platform cannot be found on chat feature in Zoom. This move of temporary unavailability of Giphy is made to solve security issues and re-enable once the issues are resolved, said Zoom.
Further Zoom also imposed limits on screen sharing, restrictions on logging in to meetings from multiple devices, changes to muting and unmuting functions. All these are implemented as part of its latest list of security updates to the platform, Zoom added.
Facebook has recently acquired Giphy for over $300 million and likes to associate with Instagram. The acquisition is likely to affect Giphy integrations with other platforms. All competitors like Twitter, TikTok, and iMessage will also look into the integration of Giphy, especially with security issues, while Facebook has already well read with privacy and security.
On the other hand, Zoom has been widely used since the crisis of coronavirus pandemic started. Many companies are using the app extensively while online schooling activities are well on roll. So, Zoom is now deeply looking into the security problems as it needs to be on the right way of providing services.