The tech giant Apple has released iOS 13.5.1 that covers important security updates and can be installed by all the users. The recent Unc0ver jailbreak is for overcoming kernel vulnerability, and the company says this patch including Twitter account Apple Software Updates would be a strong support to overcome such issues.
The update executes arbitrary code with kernel privileges, so as to block jailbreaking. In other words, a back-end application resolves the issues of kernel vulnerabilities as the Apple devices get updated to this new iOS update.
However in the last update of 13.5, users had access to install new software features outside of Apple’s gated App Store. Now the Unc0ver jailbreak is developed for negotiating iOS jailbreaking community and dis-allows download and usage of all the unsecured apps in App Store.
Yet the company is keen on protecting its user’s security with a new update. This is not the first time to dis-allow users’ interests in customization of different apps and restrict downloading, but the company’s main agenda has always been against vulnerability issues.