One of the most reputed video streaming platforms Netflix is bringing in advancements related to viewing. Netflix allows users with playback speed controls to stream videos up to 0.5 times slower or 1.5 times faster. It is letting people choose the speed.
When users are browsing videos on their phone or tablet, they can now set with new playback controls. The company allows streaming at 0.5x or 0.75x speeds for slowed-down viewing and 1.25x or 1.5x speeds for faster watching, while it is available on an Android mobile device.
However the speed adjustments are comparatively slightly fewer options than YouTube. This rival video streaming platform allows people to slow all the way down to 0.25x speeds, and speed up by twice the normal playback speed.
The Netflix subscribers can choose to use the playback speeds with every single title they want to watch. Also, it doesn’t just remain active when you want to watch other videos. So the set sped controls are not functional for all the videos you watch as you go.